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David Characteristics of a Spiritual Leader Book Cover

David: Characteristics of a Spiritual Leader

Just like pouring out precious ointment, our dear brother Stephen Kaung ministered these five messages on being a spiritual leader as shown through the life of David, the man after God’s own heart. He uses David’s experiences to show four essential qualities necessary for spiritual leaders in the church—those who are fit for kingship and capable of leading and helping others.

Spiritual leadership is of vital importance in the church today. As our brother shares: What the church lacks today is a group of individuals fit to be spiritual leaders. Today, many are saved, but the church is scattered, weak, and unable to fulfill God’s will due to the lack of spiritual leadership. Therefore, the one great need is to have spiritual leaders who have a personal, spiritual walk with the Lord, and are ready to be used by the Lord to fulfill His heart’s desire to prepare His bride ready for His soon return.

The heart-felt burden of our dear brother was for God’s church to be a healthy church. May the Lord be pleased to use this book to raise up spiritual leaders to carry out His will in His church in these last days. Even so, come Lord Jesus!


舊約中聽到的末了的聲音是藉著瑪拉基發出來的。新約中起初的聲音說的是同樣的信息。施洗約翰被主差遣傳講悔改的信息:“天國近了,你們應當悔改!” (馬太福音3:2)

整本瑪拉基書就是一個信息,一個負擔 悔改。它是在來回對話中傳達的,其中神和祂的子民通過問答的方式進行辯論。瑪拉基書中,針對以下七個問題展開了辯論: 缺乏愛,缺乏尊敬,缺乏純潔,缺乏忠心,缺乏悔改,缺乏優先次序和缺乏敬畏。在這卷書中,江守道弟兄逐條討論這七個問題,幫助我們學習一些悔改的功課。

舊約和新約的聯結與那將帶我們進入下一個時代的是同一個聯結悔改。 “所以應當回想你是從哪裡墜落的,並要悔改,行起初所行的事。”(啟示錄2:5)


第一部分 瑪拉基的負擔
第一章 悔改的負擔
第二章 堅固尼希米的手
第三章 屬靈的起伏

第二部分 彼此辯論
一個負擔 七個問題
問題一: 缺乏愛
問題二: 缺乏尊敬
問題三: 缺乏純潔
問題四: 缺乏忠心
問題五: 缺乏悔改
問題六: 缺乏優先次序
問題七: 缺乏敬畏

David Characteristics of a Spiritual Leader Book Cover
David Characteristics of a Spiritual Leader Book Cover


旧约中听到的末了的声音是藉着玛拉基发出来的。新约中起初的声音说的是同样的信息。施洗约翰被主差遣传讲悔改的信息:“天国近了,你们应当悔改!” (马太福音3:2)

整本玛拉基书就是一个信息,一个负担——悔改。它是在来回对话中传达的,其中神和祂的子民通过问答的方式进行辩论。玛拉基书中,针对以下七个问题展开了辩论: 缺乏爱,缺乏尊敬,缺乏纯洁,缺乏忠心,缺乏悔改,缺乏优先次序和缺乏敬畏。在这卷书中,江守道弟兄逐条讨论这七个问题,帮助我们学习一些悔改的功课。



第一部分 玛拉基的负担
第一章 悔改的负担
第二章 坚固尼希米的手
第三章 属灵的起伏

一个负担 ——七个问题
问题一: 缺乏爱
问题二: 缺乏尊敬
问题三: 缺乏纯洁
问题四: 缺乏忠心
问题五: 缺乏悔改
问题六: 缺乏优先次序
问题七: 缺乏敬畏

Glory: As Seen by Ezekiel

Ezekiel was among the captives in the land of Babylon. Humanly speaking, he was in a hopeless situation. His future looked empty and meaningless. And yet, at such an unlikely time, the heavens were opened to Ezekiel, and he saw the glory of the Lord.  In these last days, we, too, find ourselves pressed on every side. How can we survive as Christians? How can we serve God's purpose in our generation? We believe that God has a way for us, and that way is that we live under an open heaven. Like Ezekiel, we need to catch a glimpse of the glory of the Lord. If we see the glory of the Lord, that will give us light, give us strength, give us direction, and give us purpose. Our life on earth will mean something to the Lord, and it will be fulfillment to us. We do hope that God will give us a strong desire that we will see His glory. This is one thing that we long for we want to see the glory of the Lord. If we do, it will give us hope, it will give us faith, and it will give us love that we may press on until the day when the glory of the Lord shall fill the earth as the waters fill the sea. May the Lord help us.

Table of Contents

1—The Glory of the Lord Endures Forever
2—The Glory of the Lord Departed
3—The Glory of the Lord Returned
4—The Restoration of Priesthood and Kingship

David Characteristics of a Spiritual Leader Book Cover
Daily Devotional By Watchman Nee
Heart To Heart Talks With Watchman Nee
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