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Seven Visions of Christ

Where there is no vision the people cast off restraint.” Proverbs 29:18


In 1978, brother Stephen Kaung spoke a series of messages on these seven visions before a group of Christians in Richmond, Virginia. Just prior to that, he shared a message which is foundational to these seven visions entitled: “The Testimony of Jesus.” That message is included in this printing as the in­troduction.

Our brother’s desire during these times of ministry was that the Lord would deliver us from the many things that we might see the one thing that is upon His heart—the testimony of Jesus. His prayer was that the Lord’s testimony might be uplifted, that many lives might be trans­formed and delivered, so that His kingdom might come.

May the Lord find such a people in these days: transformed, delivered, and ready for His soon return.

Table of Contents

Introduction—The Testimony of Jesus

Vision 1—One Like the Son of Man

Vision 2—The Lamb in the Midst of the Throne

Vision 3—The Strong Angel

Vision 4—The Lamb on Mount Zion

Vision 5—The King of Kings

Vision 6—The Great White Throne

Vision 7—The New Jerusalem

Concerning Spirituals, Vol. 1: Vision, Responsibility, Ministry

In these last days, how can we fight the good fight, finish the race, and keep the faith? Is there any secret that enabled the apostle Paul to do so? And if there is such a secret, how can we learn it?

Brother Stephen Kaung addresses these matters and many spiritual principles from God’s Word in this current volume. His spoken ministry on the themes of Heavenly Vision, Spiritual Responsibility, and Spiritual Ministry, given at the first three Northeast Christian Weekend Conferences, is compiled here in this title: Concerning


Table of Contents


Part One:  Heavenly Vision 

What is Heavenly Vision?

Not Disobedient to the Heavenly Vision

Part Two: Spiritual Responsibility

Much Has Been Given, Much Shall Be Required

A Necessity is Laid Upon Me

Questions on Spiritual Responsibility

Part Three: Spiritual Ministry

Ministry to the Lord

Ministry to the House

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一个在基督里的人 A Man in Christ (Chinese Simplified)



















一個在基督裡的人 A Man in Christ (Traditional Chinese)



















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David Characteristics of a Spiritual Leader Book Cover

David: Characteristics of a Spiritual Leader

Just like pouring out precious ointment, our dear brother Stephen Kaung ministered these five messages on being a spiritual leader as shown through the life of David, the man after God’s own heart. He uses David’s experiences to show four essential qualities necessary for spiritual leaders in the church—those who are fit for kingship and capable of leading and helping others.

Spiritual leadership is of vital importance in the church today. As our brother shares: What the church lacks today is a group of individuals fit to be spiritual leaders. Today, many are saved, but the church is scattered, weak, and unable to fulfill God’s will due to the lack of spiritual leadership. Therefore, the one great need is to have spiritual leaders who have a personal, spiritual walk with the Lord, and are ready to be used by the Lord to fulfill His heart’s desire to prepare His bride ready for His soon return.

The heart-felt burden of our dear brother was for God’s church to be a healthy church. May the Lord be pleased to use this book to raise up spiritual leaders to carry out His will in His church in these last days. Even so, come Lord Jesus!

Daily Devotional By Watchman Nee
Heart To Heart Talks With Watchman Nee
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