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Gospel Dialogue


This volume contains the gist of a dialogue on the truth of the gospel held between brother Watchman Nee and other believers. The questions are simple and basic but thought-provoking and heart-searching. The answers are all firmly grounded in the Biblical Word of God, because as the Lord himself said in His prayer to the Father, “thy word is truth” (John 17:17).

Author: Watchman Nee
ISBN: 978-0-93500-822-7
eBook ISBN: 978-1-10207-449-6


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"That the truth of the gospel might continue with you" (Gal. 2:5) was the burden of brother Watchman Nee as he held a long series of weekly meetings in Shanghai, China, during the years 1930-1931. It is amazing to discover how little we know of gospel truth and how much of what we hold is either inaccurate or incomplete. Due to a deficiency in the truth, our experience of the gospel is circumscribed. Because of a lack in the foundation, the upbuilding is curtailed. It is reassuring to know that the truth of the gospel is Christ and our union with Christ. How very exciting to see that Christ is indeed the Author and Perfecter of faith. This volume contains the gist of a dialogue on the truth of the gospel held between brother Watchman Nee and other believers. The questions are simple and basic but thought-provoking and heart-searching. The answers are all firmly grounded in the Biblical Word of God, because as the Lord himself said in His prayer to the Father, "thy word is truth" (John 17:17). May our faith be strengthened through the knowledge of the gospel, and may the church of the Living God in fact be a pillar and ground of the gospel. 


Table of Contents

Question 1: Grace
Question 2: Transgression vs. Iniquity
Question 3: The “Blessed” in Romans 4.7 vs. the “Blessed” in 4.8
Question 4: Our Sins: “Covered” or “Put Away”?
Question 5: Purification of Sins—Once or Many Times?
Question 6: The Blood Sprinkled before God and the Blood Sprinkled on Man
Question 7: Sin and Sins
Question 8: God’s Grace and God’s Righteousness in Salvation
Question 9: Righteousness of God vs. Righteousness of Christ
Question 10: Righteousness of Christ vs. Christ as Righteousness
Question 11: The Persecution of the Lord and the Death of the Lord
Question 12: Why Christ Must Be the God-Man
Question 13: The One Act and the One Man of Romans 5.18,19
Question 14: Christ’s Keeping of the Law and Our Salvation
Question 15 : The Believer and the Law
Question 16: Christ Fulfills the Law and the Prophets
Question 17: Life, Righteousness, and the Law in Galatians 3.21
Question 18: From What Are We Redeemed?
Question 19: The Sinner, Perdition, and Romans 2.12
Question 20: Must Believe in Death and Resurrection to Be Saved
Question 21: Belief in Christ’s Resurrection, Continued
Question 22: His Resurrection Gives Us a New Life
Question 23: Believing in Both the Son of God and the Son of Man
Question 24: The Story of Jonah and Its Significance
Question 25: The Christian: Born of God or Created by God?
Question 26: Justification: by Blood and by Resurrection
Question 27: Two Sides of Christ’s Crucifixion: by Men and by God
Question 28: “It Is Finished” vs. “Lacking of the Afflictions of Christ”
Question 29: Christ Died: for Us and for Our Sins
Question 30: In Redemption, Do Christians Change Position with Christ?
Question 31: When Is Our Union with Christ Actualized?
Question 32: Why Are We Never “in Jesus” or “in Jesus Christ?”
Question 33: At Calvary, When Were We Crucified with Christ?
Question 34: The Blood and the Cross: Their Meanings and Effects
Question 35: Whoever Does Not Believe Will Perish
Question 36: The Will of God vs.the Will of Man in Salvation
Question 37: Is Eternal Life Obtained by Works?
Question 38: The Rich Man and Lazarus— Luke 16
Question 39: Justification by Faith vs. Justification by Works
Question 40: How God Treats the Lost: the Three Parables of Luke 15
Question 41: The Lord’s Death, the Descent of the Spirit, and the Believer’s Walk
Question 42: Reconciliation
Question 43: Salvation: by Grace through Faith Plus Nothing
Question 44: The Unpardonable Sin
Question 45: Falling Away from Grace
Question 46: Will Those Mentioned in Hebrews 6.4-8 Perish?
Question 47: “There Remaineth No More a Sacrifice for Sins” (Hebrews 10.26)
Question 48: The Five Kinds of Forgiveness
Question 49: The Six Kinds of Salvation
Question 50: Sanctification


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