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Wisdom Personified seeks to progressively develop in us His followers these seven distinct traits of His character. And once He has established these in our lives, He shall be able to complete the building for His Father of that dwelling place of rest and peace which God has longed to have among His people. In order for this to be accomplished in us, however, we will need to submit ourselves to Christ totally and allow His Spirit who indwells us to develop and firmly establish these various character-traits in us so that Christ’s virtuous character may be manifested through us as a testimony to the world and for touching those in need of moral and spiritual help. This is the Lord’s purpose for us His people.

Author: Stephen Kaung
ISBN: 978‐1‐68062‐096‐2
eBook ISBN: 978-1-68062-106-8


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Wisdom hath built her house, she hath hewn out her seven pillars of support. So declared the book of Proverbs (9:1), whose author was Solomon, the wise King of Israel. Christ is the wisdom of God manifested from heaven on earth by the divine act of the Incarnation. As Solomon of old built the physical house of God the temple in Jerusalem; just so, the greater than Solomon even Christ himself (Matthew 12:42c ASV) is today continuing to build Gods spiritual house, which is the church, the body of Christ. The material the Lord uses to build Gods spiritual house is the sevenfold character of the Christ-life that is resident within every member of His church. The Seven Pillars of Wisdom alluded to in Proverbs 9 can symbolically represent the seven different character-traits of Christ: Righteousness, Diligence, Love, Lowliness, Graciousness, Discipline, and Truthfulness. 


\n \n[column size="col-6"]Paperback Specs \n \nTitle:�Proverbs \nAuthor:�Stephen Kaung \nISBN 13:�978?1?68062?096?2 \nList Price:�$10.00 \nPage Count:�176 \nPublication Date:�02/04/2020 \nBook Size:�5.5 x 8.5 (inches)[/column][/row] \n \n

Table of Contents

….An Overview of the Book of Proverbs
Part One: Wisdom Calls (Chapters 1-9)
Part Two: Wisdom Builds (Chapters 10-24)
….Pillar 1—The Character-Trait of Righteousness
….Pillar 2—The Character-Trait of Diligence
….Pillar 3—The Character-Trait of Love
….Pillar 4—The Character-Trait of Lowliness
….Pillar 5—The Character-Trait of Graciousness
….Pillar 6—The Character-Trait of Discipline
….Pillar 7—The Character-Trait of Truthfulness
Part Three: Wisdom Beautifies (Chapters 25-31)
….Conclusion to the Book of Proverbs (30-31)


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