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Seven Visions of Christ


“Where there is no vision the people cast off restraint.” Proverbs 29:18

Today, more than ever, it is most important that the Lord’s people have vision because “with­out vision, the people perish.” We believe that God wants us to see His Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, in relation to our time, that is, to see Him in the light of the end days. For this we find a series of seven visions of Christ given in the book of Revelation, culminating with the seventh vision. There we see the fulfil­ment of the eternal purpose of God and the mani­festation of eternal reality.

In 1978, brother Stephen Kaung spoke a series of messages on these seven visions before a group of Christians in Richmond, Virginia. Just prior to that, he shared a message which is foundational to these seven visions entitled: “The Testimony of Jesus.” That message is included in this printing as the in­troduction.

Our brother’s desire during these times of ministry was that the Lord would deliver us from the many things that we might see the one thing that is upon His heart—the testimony of Jesus. His prayer was that the Lord’s testimony might be uplifted, that many lives might be trans­formed and delivered, so that His kingdom might come.

May the Lord find such a people in these days: transformed, delivered, and ready for His soon return.

Books, eBook, Paperback, Stephen Kaung.






“Where there is no vision the people cast off restraint.” Proverbs 29:18

Today, more than ever, it is most important that the Lord’s people have vision because “with­out vision, the people perish.” We believe that God wants us to see His Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, in relation to our time, that is, to see Him in the light of the end days. For this we find a series of seven visions of Christ given in the book of Revelation, culminating with the seventh vision. There we see the fulfil­ment of the eternal purpose of God and the mani­festation of eternal reality.

In 1978, brother Stephen Kaung spoke a series of messages on these seven visions before a group of Christians in Richmond, Virginia. Just prior to that, he shared a message which is foundational to these seven visions entitled: “The Testimony of Jesus.” That message is included in this printing as the in­troduction.

Our brother’s desire during these times of ministry was that the Lord would deliver us from the many things that we might see the one thing that is upon His heart—the testimony of Jesus. His prayer was that the Lord’s testimony might be uplifted, that many lives might be trans­formed and delivered, so that His kingdom might come.

May the Lord find such a people in these days: transformed, delivered, and ready for His soon return.

Table of Contents

Introduction—The Testimony of Jesus

Vision 1—One Like the Son of Man

Vision 2—The Lamb in the Midst of the Throne

Vision 3—The Strong Angel

Vision 4—The Lamb on Mount Zion

Vision 5—The King of Kings

Vision 6—The Great White Throne

Vision 7—The New Jerusalem

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