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The Body of Christ: A Reality


As Christ the head is a reality, so the church as the body of Christ is a reality. This body is governed by its own laws, and blessed are those who discover these laws and follow them. To them the body of Christ is indeed a living reality.

Author: Watchman Nee
ISBN: 978-0-93500-813-5
eBook ISBN: 978-1-10207-431-1


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"And gave him [Christ] to be head over all things to the church, which is his body, the fulness of him that filleth all in all" (Eph. 1.22, 23). As Christ the head is a reality, so the church as the body of Christ is a reality. To many, however, the body of Christ is a vague, nebulous and abstract term. It is merely a beautiful concept or a noble theory. It is not a living reality as is presented in the Scriptures. The time has come, and now is, that all who seek the Lord should enter into a new understanding of the body of Christ. We need to see that the body of Christ is a life which we live in. It ought to become our daily experience. In this little volume of collected messages selected for the unity of their subject matter and given by the author through years of faithful ministry, Watchman Nee attempts to show us the reality of the body of Christ. He proves to us that the body of Christ is founded on life and life consciousness. It is built on a living relationship among its members as well as with its head. This body is governed by its own laws, and blessed are those who discover these laws and follow them. To them the body of Christ is indeed a living reality. May God grant to all who read this book wisdom and strength for living in the reality of the body of Christ.

Table of Contents

1—Life and Consciousness
2—The Consciousness of the Body of Christ
3—Hold Fast the Head
4—The Service of the Member
5—The Function and Harmony of the Members
6—Obeying the Law of the Body of Christ
7—The Covering, Restraint, and Supply of the Body of Christ
8—Three Cardinal Principles On Living in the Body of Christ



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