The Spiritual Man
This is a complete presentation on the workings of the human spirit and soul and body. The book aims at delivering people from the tyranny of self life with its carnality and from the domination of the passions and lusts of the flesh. It attempts to lead them to the full salvation of Christ. It is not to be taken as a manual but as a guide to true spirituality.
Author: Watchman Nee
ISBN: 978-0-93500-839-5
eBook ISBN: 978-1-10207-476-2
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This is a complete presentation on the workings of the human spirit and soul and body. The book aims at delivering people from the tyranny of self life with its carnality and from the domination of the passions and lusts of the flesh. It attempts to lead them to the full salvation of Christ. It is not to be taken as a manual but as a guide to true spirituality. It is recommended that this three volume work be read quickly through once. Then, lay it aside and wait until the Holy Spirit leads one into a certain stage of spiritual life when knowledge and understanding are needed. Turn, then to the special section of the book dealing with that particular experience for enlightenment. Thus, it will be realized that "in Thy light, shall we see light" (Ps. 36.9 ). May God use this book to help people in their journeying towards the spiritual.
Table of Contents
PART ONE: Introduction on Spirit, Soul and Body
Chapter 1: Spirit, Soul and Body
Chapter 2: Spirit and Soul
Chapter 3: The Fall of Man
Chapter 4: Salvation
PART TWO: The Flesh
Chapter 1: The Flesh and Salvation
Chapter 2: The Fleshly or Carnal Believer
Chapter 3: The Cross and the Holy Spirit
Chapter 4: The Boastings of the Flesh
Chapter 5: The Believer’s Ultimate Attitude towards the Flesh
Chapter 1: Deliverance from Sin and the Soul Life
Chapter 2: The Experience of Soulish Believers
Chapter 3: The Dangers of Soulish Life
Chapter 4: The Cross and the Soul
Chapter 5: Spiritual Believers and the Soul
PART FOUR: The Spirit
Chapter 1: The Holy Spirit and the Believer’s Spirit
Chapter 2: A Spiritual Man
Chapter 3: Spiritual Work
Chapter 4: Prayer and Warfare
PART FIVE: An Analysis of the Spirit
Chapter 1: Intuition
Chapter 2: Communion
Chapter 3: Conscience
PART SIX: Walking after the Spirit
Chapter 1: The Dangers of Spiritual Life
Chapter 2: The Laws of the Spirit
Chapter 3: The Principle of Mind Aiding the Spirit
Chapter 4: The Normalcy of the Spirit
PART SEVEN: The Analysis of the Soul Emotion
Chapter 1: The Believer and Emotion
Chapter 2: Affection
Chapter 3: Desire
Chapter 4: A Life of Feeling
Chapter 5: The Life of Faith
PART EIGHT: The Analysis of the Soul the Mind
Chapter 1: The Mind a Battlefield
Chapter 2: The Phenomena of a Passive Mind
Chapter 3: The Way of Deliverance
Chapter 4: The Laws of the Mind
PART NINE: The Analysis of the Soul the Will
Chapter 1: A Believer’s Will
Chapter 2: Passivity and Its Dangers
Chapter 3: The Believer’s Mistake
Chapter 4: The Path to Freedom
PART TEN: The Body
Chapter 1: The Believer and His Body
Chapter 2: Sickness
Chapter 3: God as the Life of the Body
Chapter 4: Overcoming Death