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The Word of the Cross


This present volume is comprised of Watchman Nee’s early writings from the years 1922-1927. Though young in the Lord, he was given much because he loved much. His first love towards the Lord was pure and warm, and his grasp of the truth was firm and solid. In reading these writings it uplifts our hearts and deepens our faith.

Author: Watchman Nee
ISBN: 978-0-93500-880-7
eBook ISBN: 978-1-10207-481-6

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In his first letter to the Corinthians the apostle Paul wrote: "And I, brethren, when I came unto you, came not with excellency of speech or of wisdom, proclaiming to you the testimony of God. For I determined not to know anything among you, save Jesus Christ, and him crucified" (2.1-2). This same spirit overshadowed the life and ministry of Watchman Nee. From his early Christian years he embraced the cross of Christ and proclaimed the Christ of the cross. He never moved away from this foundation throughout his many years of faithful ministry. This present volume is comprised of his early writings from the years 1922-1927. Though young in the Lord, he was given much because he loved much. His first love towards the Lord was pure and warm, and his grasp of the truth was firm and solid. In reading these writings it uplifts our hearts and deepens our faith. The readers will find this book divided into three parts. Part One, Musings Under the Cross, unveils the innermost thoughts of a man in first love. Part Two is The Word of the Cross which lays a firm foundation of our faith. Part Three is on Faith and other related subjects that deal with the subjective aspects of the Christian life. The combination of all three parts offers up a balanced picture of normal Christian living. May the Lord who fed the multitudes with five loaves and two fish feed us today with this small collection.

Table of Contents

Part One: Musings Under The Cross
1—My Spiritual Journey
2—Musings Under the Cross
3—A Pilgrim Song
4—Still Unknown
5—Help in the Spirit

Part Two: The Word Of The Cross
1—The Word of the Cross
2—How Christ Died for Us
3—Righteousness and Love
4—The Outcome of Substitutionary Death
5—Why Christ Died
6—The Time of the Cross

Part Three: Faith
1—The Source of Faith
2—The Practicality of Faith
3—The Works of Faith
4—Sincerity, Deception and Knowledge
5—Cool Head
6—Borrowed Experience
7—Important or Unimportant
8—Bribing the Conscience


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